

    GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and RS (Remote Sensing) are powerful tools that can be used to analyze and visualize spatial data. With these skills, I am able to analyze and interpret geographical information to create detailed maps, conduct spatial analysis, and generate reports to support decision-making processes. I have experience using a range of GIS and RS software, such as ArcGIS, QGIS, SNAP and ENVI, and can integrate these tools with other data sources to gain a comprehensive understanding of spatial patterns and trends. Whether it's creating maps for planning purposes, conducting spatial analysis to identify hotspots, or using remote sensing techniques to monitor environmental changes, I can leverage these skills to provide valuable solutions and support to a range of projects. (Images in this category are of my hobbies or academic interests.)

From Lidar to DSM and DEM: Unveiling the Hidden Terrain.


    I am experienced with using Python for various data analysis tasks and have developed proficiency in using several popular Python libraries such as gdal, geopandas, cartopy, xarray, harp, geemap, scikit-learn, and PYSAL. I have also worked on several hobby projects that have allowed me to hone my machine learning skills in the geospatial domain. Moreover, my experience with R for spatial data analysis has enabled me to address a diverse array of geospatial challenges. (Images in this category are of my hobbies or academic interests.)

Variation in air surface temperature between 1980 and 2018.
NOAA data and Python, a visual representation of auroras at the North Pole.
NOAA data and Python, a visual representation of auroras at the North Pole.
Ridge lines illustrate the elevation of the europe topography.
Google Earth Engine, analysis of Land Surface Temeperature in Freiburg.
Google Earth Engine, analysis of precipitation in Freiburg.
Google Earth Engine, a comprehensive analysis of leaf area index and precipitation in Freiburg.
Monthly Temperature and Wind Speed Patterns at Feldberg Station in 2022.
Moon Phases
Simulating path of a landslide over real world topography.


    I am skilled in working with geospatial databases such as PostGIS and SQLite, and have experience utilizing Spatial SQL to query, analyze and manage data within these databases. I am also experienced in integrating these databases with popular GIS software such as QGIS, and have worked on several projects where I have updated data, designed and implemented basic spatial data models, and published data through GeoServer. Overall, I am confident in my ability to effectively manage and analyze spatial data using these tools.

PostgreSQL (PostGIS) & SQLite (SpatialLite) logos


    My most recent interest lies in web development, particularly in the context of Web GIS development. I have been actively exploring and gaining hands-on experience with powerful libraries like OpenLayers and Leaflet to create basic yet functional web GIS applications. While I am not yet proficient in this area, I am dedicated to building my skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Snippet of code from my personal webpage
Basic Web GIS App made with open-layers